Marketing Mutiny

Join the Conversation!

Michelle has recorded a video for us today. Click on the image below or click here to watch


Michelle's question to you:

How are you giving your potential clients agency to make the best purchasing decision?

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Find out what today's contribution has sparked and share your own experience, thoughts and questions by heading over here to join in the discussion.

Who is Michelle?
Michelle Mazur works with brilliant business owners who are shaking things up...but having trouble talking about it.
She combines the tools of successful social movements with the qualitative research skills she earned in her communications PhD to help them craft their powerful, captivating message.
The author of 3 books (including the newly-updated 3 Word Rebellion) and featured in Fast Company, Entrepreneur and Inc., she knows that speaking about what you do in a clear and captivating way is the key to reaching the people you could help the most.
Michelle's gift to you:
Michelle has concocted for us a super fun and informative quiz to Discover Your Marketing Achilles' Heel & Rise as the Unrivaled Expert in Your Industry

Find Michelle Online: Website - LinkedIn - Podcast

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